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Using PHPCS in WordPress to improve code quality

Adhering to coding standards is crucial for writing clean, maintainable, and secure code. Fortunately, powerful tools, such as PHPCS (PHP CodeSniffer), can help you achieve this goal.


As a WordPress developer, adhering to coding standards is crucial for writing clean, maintainable, and secure code. Fortunately, there are powerful tools available, such as PHPCS (PHP CodeSniffer), that can help you achieve this goal. In this article, we will explore how to use PHPCS in combination with VSCode integration to improve your PHP code quality in WordPress development. We will also discuss WPCS (WordPress Coding Standards) and how it can be configured to ignore specific rules.

Tools used

Let's start by discussing the tools we will be using in this article. Many developers widely use PHPCS as a tool for enforcing coding standards in PHP code. PHPCS includes a set of predefined coding standards, including WordPress coding standards, which you can use to validate your PHP code against these standards. VSCode is a popular code editor that provides powerful features for PHP development, including extensions that can integrate with PHPCS and provide real-time feedback on coding standards while you write code.

PHPCS and VSCode Integration

By integrating PHPCS with VSCode, you can get real-time feedback on coding standards while you write code, which can help you identify and fix common issues such as variable escaping, function and hook usage, indentation, and more. This integration can save you time and effort in reviewing and fixing coding standards violations after the code has been written.

To set up PHPCS integration with VSCode, you can install the "phpcs" extension from the VSCode marketplace. After installing the extension, you can configure it to use PHPCS as the code sniffer, specify the coding standards to be used, and customize other options according to your preferences. With the integration in place, you will now see coding standards violations highlighted in your code as you write, along with suggestions on how to fix them. This makes it easy to adhere to WordPress coding standards and improve your code quality.

WPCS and Ignoring Specific Rules

While PHPCS provides a set of predefined coding standards, there may be cases where you want to ignore specific rules that are not relevant to your project or need customization. This is where WPCS comes in handy. WPCS is a set of rules that are specifically designed for WordPress coding standards, and you can configure it to ignore specific rules that may not be relevant to your project or that you want to customize.

To ignore specific rules in WPCS, you can create a custom ruleset.xml file that specifies the rules to be ignored. You can place this file in your project's root directory or in a custom directory, and then specify its location in your PHPCS configuration. In the ruleset.xml file, you can specify the rules to be ignored by rule name or by sniff name, and also specify the severity level at which the rule should be ignored. This enables you to customize the coding standards validation based on your project's requirements and prevent unnecessary warnings or errors.


In conclusion, using PHPCS in combination with VSCode integration and configuring WPCS can greatly improve the PHP code quality in your WordPress development projects. By adhering to coding standards and leveraging these tools, you can write clean, maintainable, and secure code, and ensure the highest quality standards for your WordPress projects. Happy coding!

Headshot of Jaymeh with slightly smiling face

Posted By: Jaymeh Sykes

On: 19/04/2023

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